What is Numerology?

Numerology is not about fortune telling, mind reading, the planets and their positions, casting spells or the occult. It is not magical or a mystery, it is purely an ancient science of numbers. It is about the numbers in your life and what they say about you, your personality, your abilities and talents, your heart’s desire, your motivation and your natural tendencies. Numerology will give you deep insights into your life that will help you reach your highest potential at any given point in your life.

Numerology is based on your full birth name, the name you use most frequently today including nick names and your date of birth. Each letter of the alphabet has a number representation and each number has a different and unique vibration.

The Universe has many different vibrations that flow together much like an orchestra has many different instruments that when played correctly flow together in a harmony that is beautiful. The energies or vibrations of the Universe also vibrate in a harmonious way like music. Your life also is filled with vibrations that when allowed to operate to their full capacity will vibrate in a congruent way like music and like the Universal energy. When this happens you will experience a very satisfying and fulfilling life. When your vibrations are out of sync or are being suppressed in some way, you will experience a difficult or even unhappy life.

The word Universe actually means Uni or one verse, one song. The latest physics publications have defined the Universe as a ‘unified energy field’. Your life experience is a symphony vibrating to the energies of your life as they flow in and through the energies of the ‘unified energy field’ as one melody. When your energies are out of balance, your life experience is out of tune with the Universal symphony and this imbalance comes through as either obsessive, compulsive behaviors and emotional responses or as apathetic or lethargic, emotionless behaviors.

Numerology is considered an ancient science of numbers because it was literally discovered thousands of years ago. The Greek philosopher, Pythagoras revived the science some 2600 years ago but in more recent times the new phase of numerology is accredited to L. Dow Balliett who published several books on the subject. After that resurgence Dr. Julia Seton did a lot to make numerology a more widely known science. Others have also contributed like Juno Jordan, Florence Campbell and many more. Today there are a ton of books on the subject, it is all over the Internet and now everyone seems to know just a little about Numerology.

How does Numerology work?

Numerology is an ancient Science. It’s believed that every person has preordained lessons to be learned from this life experience. Numerology recognizes an energy vibration which emanates from each number represented in a person’s date of birth and birth name which affect the challenges, experiences, and opportunities each person encounters in their lifetime.

Each letter of your name has a numeric value. The most influential number values emanate from your date of birth, which determines your life path. Each number represented by the letters of your names interplay with and influences the number vibration of your date of birth or Life Path number. All the number energies of your chart interact with each other and their value makes an impact on your life experience. These influencing energies directly affect your emotional intensities, ambitions, and abilities.

When two people join in a relationship, their energies are also joined. It is now a proven fact that even spending time sitting next to someone will change your energy vibration while you are sitting together. Have you spent time in a group of highly spiritual individuals discussing spiritual ideas? You can feel your vibration rise. If the room was a little chilly when the group arrived, it isn’t long before you want to turn on the fan. The energies experienced in a long-term relationship affect how the couple both relates within the confines of their own relationship and how they relate to others in their life experience. These energies may create challenges in some areas of their relationships, or they may enhance or embellish in other areas.

NUMEROLOGY IS AN ANCIENT SCIENCE…not fortune telling or divining. It is prophesy in a way but serves as a much greater tool than a prediction. When you become aware of influences and obstacles, it becomes easier to make adjustments and changes based on gained knowledge. How well you adjust and make changes in those difficult situations determines how well you maneuver through those preordained life lessons not to mention how well you function within your relationships. Numerology is an amazing science and helpful tool for reaching your highest potential in this life experience. It allows you to take full advantage of the personalized knowledge awaiting you.

What is a Numerology Reading?

A reading in numerology is a chart of all the numbers represented in a person’s life and a description of how those numbers affect that person. It shows their strengths and weaknesses, their potentials and challenges, their basic character traits, heart’s desires, and motivation. It will show relationship compatibilities, growth periods, major cycles of life, pinnacles along the way and what to expect from the maturity years. A reading can help you understand yourself in a much deeper way and will also help you understand how you can effectively interact with others.

For a basic Numerology reading, the core elements are; the life path number, the destiny number, the soul urge number, the personality, growth and maturity numbers all build a basic understanding of a person and tells why they do what they do or feel what they feel.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is a Numerology Reading? Example..

Creating a basic reading or a simplified reading can be compared to baking a cake.
Basic White Cake Recipe
1 2/3 cups sugar
2/3 cup solid vegetable shortening
3 large eggs
2 large egg whites
1 1/4 cups whole milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups self-rising flour
A generic white cake has self-rising flour, butter, egg whites, vanilla extract, milk, and of course, sugar.
Your basic Numerology reading has:
Self-rising flour—Life Path number (body of cake)
Vanilla extract—Birthday number (enhances the cake)
Egg Whites—Expression (Destiny) number (makes the cake a white cake)
Butter—Soul Urge Number (the grease that makes the cake palatable)
Milk—Maturity number (makes it great in the end)
Sugar—Personality number (gives it the yummy quality)
There is the basic cake recipe but if you were to add chocolate, coconut, spices, fruit, pumpkin, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. your cake would no longer be considered a basic white cake. However, the main ingredients that make it a cake are still there and must remain to make your cake edible. By adding more ingredients you have ‘modified’ your basic cake recipe to make it even yummier and more interesting.
The same goes for a basic Numerology reading. The core elements; the life path number, the destiny number, the soul urge number, the personality, growth and maturity numbers all build a basic understanding of a person and tells why they do what they do or feel what they feel. Once you begin to add more modifiers to the mix, the deeper will be your insights and the more interesting the reading. The more you discover and understand the potentials and challenges of your entire life experience and how to reach your highest purpose the easier it will be for you to handle life’s roadblocks. How great is that?